
harry[ˈhæri] [ˈhæri]
一家之主,Henry的异体,昵称Harriets,战争,军人的意思。一个很刚强的名字 一家之主,Henry的异体,昵称Harriets 中世纪英语形式的HENRY。在现代,它被用作亨利和哈多的缩影。着名的持械者是美国总统哈里·杜鲁门(1884-1972)。它也是J.K。罗琳的“哈利波特”系列书的男孩巫师的名字,1997年首次发行。Harry常见英文名音译是哈里,哈瑞,哈利。Harry代表是军人,圆融,自己的价值观非常牢固,男士用的最多,出自布尔语、德语,Harry是个好听的名字,这个名字寓意刚强、善于表达、务实。,该名读音是[ˈhæri],共有2个音节,听起来柔和响亮大气,这样给男孩子起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望男孩子超凡脱俗,执着、谦逊,在各个方面有所成就。我们分析,名字是Harry的人大家认为都比较刚强、善于表达、务实,这个名字在国外较为常见。军人,圆融,自己的价值观非常牢固。,The name Harry is a boy's name of German origin meaning "estate ruler". Harry is the medieval English form of Henry, which derived from the Germanic name Heimrich, meaning “estate ruler.” Harry was the nickname of all eight King Henrys; it is also a diminutive of Harold and Harrison. We're just wild about Harry! Harry was everyone's elderly uncle until Princess Diana, following British royal tradition, named her son Henry but called him Harry. Then Harry Potter became a rage and Harry Styles of One Direction became the hottest boy bander of the new millennium. Thus, Harry's avuncular image was history. Harry is still much more popular in England, Ireland, and Scotland than it is in the US, but its classic yet unpretentious image makes it a recommended choice. Harry was a Top 20 name in the US from 1880 to 1918, and continued in the Top 100 into the 1950s (hence the song "I'm Just Wild About Harry"), and has countless worthy namesakes, including Truman, Belafonte, and Houdini. Among the celebs who have chosen this good guy name for their sons are David Letterman (it was his father's name), Simon Baker, and Billy Bob Thornton. It's also found in a number of movie titles from The Trouble with Harry to Dirty Harry to When Harry Met Sally.,哈里这个名字是一个德国男孩的名字,意思是“地产统治者”。,The name Harry is a girl's name meaning "estate ruler". Rarely given as a full name for baby girls, but occasionally used as a nickname for names such as Harriet and Henrietta.,哈里这个名字是一个女生的名字,意思是“地产统治者”。,Originally an English cognate of the French Henri (home ruler, ruler of an enclosure), Harry is now usually regarded as a pet form of Henry instead of the legitimate original form, and is also used as a pet form of Harold and Harrison.,哈利最初是法国亨利(家庭统治者,圈地统治者)的英语同源词,现在通常被认为是亨利的宠儿而不是合法的原形,也被用作哈罗德和哈里森的宠儿。,Harry常见音译为哈里,哈瑞,哈利,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈhæri],美式发音音标为[ˈhæri]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英文名建议以2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Harry非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Harry这个名字不多见,用的外国人不是很多,Harry在最近100年内,男性共有421749人、女性共有2017人,Harry做男生英文名更好。
