Joan常见英文名音译是琼。Joan代表是上帝的恩惠,女孩叫这个名字较多,最早来源于法语、宿务语,Joan是个好听的名字,这个名字第一印象勇敢、沉静、坚强。,Joan中文音译为琼,该名听起来很动人,也很顺口,女孩子提取英文名Joan取名,彰显出女孩子爱冒险特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子爱冒险,爱冒险。Joan来源于法语、宿务语,这个名字在国外较为常见!琼包含上帝的恩惠的寓意。,The name Joan is a boy's name meaning "God is gracious". There are now more boys than girls given the name Joan each year in the US, although the two are distinct names. The masculine version, pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable, is among the top names in Spain.,琼这个名字是个男性的名字,意思是“上帝是仁慈的”。,The name Joan is a girl's name of English origin meaning "God is gracious". Joan was the perfect name choice for one of the leading characters on Mad Men, being a quintessential girls' name of the period. A Top 10 name in the 30s, a Top 50 name from the 40s through the early 60s, it was the fifth most popular name in the country for three years running and ranks as one of the most common names for girls in the 20th century. But alas, Joan hasn't even appeared in the Top 1000 for a dozen years, and these days it's primarily associated with Joans of the generation of Joan Crawford, Joan Collins and Joan Rivers--just a few of the noted Joans whose ranks also include the singers Joan Sutherland, Joan Baez, Joan Armatrading and Joan Jett. But it's possible that modern parents who are reviving Jane might move on to Joan, inspired by Joan Hollaway Harris. The first English bearer of the name was Henry II's daughter, Jhone, but the modern spelling was soon established, which is why Saint Jeanne d'Arc was translated as Joan, making her the most illustrious wearer of the name. By Shakespeare's time, Joan had become so overused that it was ripe for replacement by the newly coined Jane, the reverse of what happened in twentieth-century America. Some livelier foreign versions of Joan include Giovanna, Siobhan, Ione and Juana.,琼这个名字来源于英语,意思是“上帝有恩典”。,Contracted form of the French Johanne, which is a feminine form of John (God is gracious). The name's most famous bearer is perhaps Joan of Ark (1412 - 31), the young French saint and heroine claimed to be a soldier of God. Under her leadership, the French Army defeated the English at Orleans in 1429. She was eventually captured and sold to the English who burned her at the stake for witchcraft in 1431. She was canonized in 1920.,法国约翰的缩略形式,是约翰的女生形式(上帝是仁慈的)。这个名字最著名的名字可能是约克圣女贞德(1412-1411),年轻的法国圣女英雄自称是上帝的战士。在她的领导下,法国军队于1429年在奥尔良打败了英国人。她最终被俘虏并卖给了英国人,英国人在1431年用火刑把她烧死。她于1920年被封为圣徒。,Joan常见音译为琼,长度为4个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['dʒəun]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Joan这个名字不多见,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Joan比较多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,Joan在最近100年内,男性共有6490人、女性共有480168人,女生用Joan作为英文名的较多。