
marie['mɑ:ri(:)] ['mɑ:ri(:)]
海之星,Mary的异体 法语和捷克形式的MARIA。这个名字的一个显着的持有人是玛丽·安托瓦内特,法国的女王在法国大革命期间由断头台被处决。另一个是玛丽·居里(1867-1934),一位物理学家和化学家,与她的丈夫皮埃尔一起研究放射性。Marie常见英文名音译是玛丽。Marie代表是海之星,用作女孩英文名几率大,来源于德语、法语,Marie是个霸气的名字,这个名字第一印象诚实、真诚、独立。,该名读音是['mɑ:ri(:)],该名听起来很简单,也很顺口,这样给小女孩起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望小女孩不传统,多才多艺、为人友善,在各个方面有所成就。Marie历史出自德语、法语,这个名字在国外较为常见!玛丽包含海之星的寓意。,The name Marie is a boy's name meaning "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved". Although almost always feminine in the first name spot, Marie (and its pan-European cognate Maria) are regularly used in the middle or in compound first names in Catholic cultures. Famous examples include French writers François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) and Victor Marie Hugo, and Front National politician Jean-Marie Le Pen. Marie is the French form of Maria, which ultimately was derived from the Hebrew name Maryam/Mariam. The original meaning of Maryam is uncertain, but theories include "drop of the sea" (from Hebrew roots mar "drop" and yam "sea"); "bitter" (from Hebrew marah "bitterness"); and "beloved" (from the Egyptian root mr).,玛丽这个名字是一个男孩的名字,意思是“大海的一滴水,苦的,或心爱的”。,The name Marie is a girl's name of Hebrew, French origin meaning "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved". The ubiquitous French version of Mary came into the English-speaking world in the nineteenth century. In the United States, Marie was a huge hit at the turn of the last century and for the ensuing fifty years, becoming the seventh most popular name in the country for three years, from 1901 to 1904. Now, though, Marie sounds more dated than either Mary or Maria, though it once rivaled both. Even its days as a widely-used middle name have passed. The freshest way to use Marie today may be as the first part of a traditional French double name: Marie-Christine, Marie-Claude, and so on, or the French diminutive Manon. There have been countless notable Maries over the years, from French Queen Marie Antoinette to physicist Marie Curie to singer Marie Osmond (born Olive Marie). Marie is the French form of Maria, which ultimately was derived from the Hebrew name Maryam/Mariam. The original meaning of Maryam is uncertain, but theories include "drop of the sea" (from Hebrew roots mar "drop" and yam "sea"); "bitter" (from Hebrew marah "bitterness"); and "beloved" (from the Egyptian root mr).,玛丽这个名字是希伯来语女生的名字,起源于法国,意思是“大海的一滴水,苦的,或心爱的”。,French cognate of Mary, which is derived from the Hebrew Miryām, a name of debated meaning. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow." However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name is borne in the Bible by the mother of Jesus, the son of God.,玛丽法语同源词,源于希伯来语Miryām,一个有争议的意思的名字。许多人相信它的意思是“痛苦的海”或“悲伤的海”。然而,一些资料来源引用了“叛逆”、“希望孩子”和“海中的情妇或女性”的其他定义。这个名字是由上帝之子耶稣的母亲在经文中命名的。,French cognate of Mary, which is derived from the Hebrew Miryām, a name of debated meaning. Many believe it to mean "sea of bitterness" or "sea of sorrow." However, some sources cite the alternative definitions of "rebellion," "wished-for child," and "mistress or lady of the sea." The name is borne in the Bible by the mother of Jesus, the son of God.,玛丽法语同源词,源于希伯来语Miryām,一个有争议的意思的名字。许多人相信它的意思是“痛苦的海”或“悲伤的海”。然而,一些资料来源引用了“叛逆”、“希望孩子”和“海中的情妇或女性”的其他定义。这个名字是由上帝之子耶稣的母亲在经文中命名的。,Marie常见音译为玛丽,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['mɑ:ri(:)]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Marie稍微冷门,但很有特色,在女生中,Marie最近较流行,很多外国人也叫Marie,Marie在最近100年内,男性共有2195人、女性共有537121人,女生用Marie作为英文名的较多。
