纯洁的,意思是纯洁的,天真的 纯洁的 法语形式的KATHERINE,以及一个常见的英语变体。Catherine常见英文名音译是凯瑟琳。Catherine代表是神圣,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵,是个女士用的英文名字。历史出自爱尔兰语、法语,Catherine是个少见的名字,这个名字第一印象善解人意、无忧无虑、合格。,该名读音是[ˈkæθərin],整体与众不同响亮,是一个有趣的英文名,作为女士英文名,第一印象是本人开朗乐观,直爽、讨人喜欢!Catherine出自爱尔兰语、法语,这个名字在国外较为常见。神圣,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵。,The name Catherine is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "pure". Catherine is one of the oldest and most consistently well-used girls’ names, with endless variations and nicknames. The Catherine form feels more gently old-fashioned and feminine than the more popular K versions. Most stylish nickname for Catherine right now: Kate...or Cate, a la Blanchett. While the popularity of the Catherine form has been waning in favor of Katherine with a K, we think that might turn around since Catherine Middleton, who reportedly hates the name Kate and never uses it, became the wife of Prince William and put a modern, stylish gloss on her already classy name. The Catherine spelling was a Top 100 name until the millennium; it reached as high as Number 18 in the 19-teens. Catherine has been well used throughout history for saints (one of whom, Catherine of Alexandria is the patron saint of philosophers, students, craftsmen, nurses,and librarians), queens, and commoners alike. Catherine has also been associated with some of the great romantic heroines of literature, including Heathcliff's love in Wuthering Heights and the passionate nurse Catherine Barkley in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. And if your're wondering why all those interchangeable C's and K's, it's because when the name was introduced into Anglo-Saxon Britain, Catherine was spelled with a C because the letter K did not yet exist in the English alphabet. Parents may also want to consider one of the attractive foreign variations, such as Caterina.,凯瑟琳这个名字是一个希腊女生的名字,意思是“纯洁”。,Catherine's most commonly accepted meaning is "pure," coming from the the Greek word "katharos," meaning "pure." There are other theories however, as Catherine's origins are not 100% certain, including another Greek word, "aikaterine," of unknown meaning, the possible origin from the Greek goddess Hecate, goddess of magic, and the Armenian word "Gadarine," meaning "she is the summit.",凯瑟琳最普遍接受的意思是“纯”,来自希腊语单词“katharos”,意思是“纯粹”。但是还有其他理论,因为凯瑟琳的起源不是百分之百确定的,包括另一个希腊单词“aikaterine”,意思不明,可能来自希腊女神赫卡特,魔法女神,亚美尼亚语中的“加达林”,意思是“她是顶峰”,English cognate of the Greek Aikaterinē, which is derived from katharos (pure, unsullied). Catherine has remained a perennially popular name and has been borne by many saints and members of European nobility. Var: Catharine, Cathryn.,希腊语Aikaterinē的英语同源词,来源于katharos(纯净、无污染)。凯瑟琳一直是一个长期流行的名字,并被许多圣人和欧洲贵族所继承。变种:凯瑟琳,凯瑟琳。,Catherine常见音译为凯瑟琳,长度为9个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈkæθərin],美式发音音标为[ˈkæθərɪn, ˈkæθrɪn]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,Catherine虽然很有格调,但拼写不太容易。英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Catherine稍微冷门,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Catherine最近较流行,上万人使用过这个英文名,Catherine在最近100年内,男性共有1824人、女性共有661658人,Catherine更倾向于作为女生英文名使用。