和平的首领,Frederick是一个德语名字,意思是“和平的统治者” 和平的首领 英语形式的日耳曼名字的意思是“和平统治者”,源于冰冷的“和平”和ric“统治者,权力”。这个名字在大陆日耳曼地区长期以来常见,由神圣罗马帝国,德国,奥地利,斯堪的纳维亚和普鲁士的统治者承担。这些统治者中的名人包括12世纪的神圣罗马皇帝和十字军弗雷德里克一巴巴罗萨,十三世纪的皇帝和艺术腓特烈二世的赞助人和18世纪的普鲁Frederick常见英文名音译是富瑞狄瑞卡,弗雷德里克。平常作为男性用英文名字,历史来源于丹麦语、德语,Frederick是个特色的名字,叫Frederick的人的品格通常意志坚强、勤奋、坚强。,Frederick作为小男孩的名字,英文名整体来说“Frederick”长度为9,好听、响亮大气,把这个单词当作小男孩的英文名字,会给人一种开放、善于辅导的感觉。我们分析,名字是Frederick的人大家认为都比较意志坚强、勤奋、坚强,这个名字在国外较为常见!,The name Frederick is a boy's name of German origin meaning "peaceful ruler". Frederick, and friendlier nickname Fred, seemed almost to have disappeared, leaving just the memory of Freds past such as Astaire, Mr. Rogers and Flintstone. But today's parents are beginning to recognize it as a strong classic and one of the top royal baby boy names. Previously, Frederick had taken on a rather forbidding, foreign, military air, reminiscent of Frederick the Great, the enlightened king of Prussia who laid the foundations of the powerful Prussian empire. For African-Americans, Frederick can be seen as a hero name, honoring Frederick Douglass, who rose from slavery to power as a political activist. Frederick appears as a character in Shakespeare's As You Like It and the novels of, among others, Jane Austen and Henry James. The name is often streamlined to Frederic and even Fredric. And if you don't like Fred or Freddie (though we do), another nickname is Fritz. Federico is the appealing Italian and Spanish form, as in renowned poet Federico Garcia Lorca.,弗雷德里克这个名字来自德国,是一个男孩的名字,意思是“和平的统治者”。,Frederick常见音译为富瑞狄瑞卡,弗雷德里克,长度为9个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['fredrik]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,Frederick虽然很有格调,但拼写不太容易。国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Frederick非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Frederick这个名字不多见,但很有特色,Frederick在最近100年内,男性共有262069人、女性共有1105人,Frederick更倾向于作为男生英文名使用。