一家之主,管理家庭的人;家族统治者 一家之主 从日耳曼名字Heimirich这意味着“家庭统治者”,组成的元素heim“家”和ric“权力,统治者”。后来经常拼写海因里希,拼写改变由于其他日耳曼名字像哈根的影响,其中第一个元素是哈根“封闭”。海因里奇是受欢迎的大陆版税,是七个德国国王的名字,从10世纪的亨利我的福勒,和四个法国国王。在法国,它从Henricus的拉丁形式被呈现Henri。诺曼人介绍Henry常见英文名音译是亨利。男孩叫这个名字较多,源自爱尔兰语、布尔语,Henry是个好记的名字,这个名字寓意实际、坚强、简单。,该名读音是['heðə],该名听起来很好看,也很优美悦耳,作为男性英文名,第一印象是本人有梦想,悦目、天真!Henry最早来源于爱尔兰语、布尔语,这个名字在国外超级流行!,The name Henry is a boy's name of German origin meaning "estate ruler". Henry was derived from the French Henri, which ultimately comes from the Germanic name Heimrich, made up of the components heim, meaning “home” or “estate,” and rich, meaning “ruler.” The most famous wearer is Henry VIII of England, best known for having six wives—two of whom he beheaded for not bearing him sons. It’s been used in the British royal family many times since. Henry, after hovering around the latter half of the Top 100 for 35 years, is now rising once again. Its stylishness has increased substantially to the point where in upmarket neighborhoods and suburbs, it seems every other boy is named either Jack or Henry. Still, Henry is a solid boy name with lots of history and personality, and a favorite on Nameberry. Henry has a long pedigree as a royal name, with many worthy (as well as notorious) namesakes. There's Henry the Eighth, of course, along with all those other British kings named Henry, down to the current fifth in line to the throne, Prince Henry (who goes by Harry). Other illustrious Henrys that might provide baby name inspiration include Henry David Thoreau, Henry (Hank) Aaron, Henry James, Henry Ford and Henry Miller. Numerous celebs have chosen Henry for their sons, from Julia Roberts to Minnie Driver to Heidi Klum to Colin Farrell. Appealing international versions include Arrigo, Enrico, Enzio and Enrique.,亨利这个名字是一个德国男人的名字,意思是“地产统治者”。,From the French Henri, from the German Heinrich, which is from the Old High German Haganrih (ruler of an enclosure), a compound name composed from the elements hag (an enclosure, a hedging-in) and rihhi (ruler), and from the Old High German Heimerich (home ruler), a compound name composed from the elements heim (home) and rik (ruler, king). The name, introduced by the Normans and borne by eight English kings, took the English vernacular form of Harry until the 17th century, when Henry became popular and Harry was used as the pet form.,来自法国的亨利,来自德国的海因里希(Heinrich),这是从旧的高德国黑格尔(围栏的统治者),一个由元素hag(一个围栏,一个对冲)和rihhi(统治者)组成的复合名称,以及从旧的德国高等海梅里希(家的统治者),一个由元素heim(家)和rik(统治者,国王)组成的复合名称。这个名字由诺曼底人介绍,由八位英国国王所继承,一直沿用英国的方言形式,直到17世纪,亨利开始流行,哈里也被当作宠物使用。,From the French Henri, from the German Heinrich, which is from the Old High German Haganrih (ruler of an enclosure), a compound name composed from the elements hag (an enclosure, a hedging-in) and rihhi (ruler), and from the Old High German Heimerich (home ruler), a compound name composed from the elements heim (home) and rik (ruler, king). The name, introduced by the Normans and borne by eight English kings, took the English vernacular form of Harry until the 17th century, when Henry became popular and Harry was used as the pet form.,来自法国的亨利,来自德国的海因里希(Heinrich),这是从旧的高德国黑格尔(围栏的统治者),一个由元素hag(一个围栏,一个对冲)和rihhi(统治者)组成的复合名称,以及从旧的德国高等海梅里希(家的统治者),一个由元素heim(家)和rik(统治者,国王)组成的复合名称。这个名字由诺曼底人介绍,由八位英国国王所继承,一直沿用英国的方言形式,直到17世纪,亨利开始流行,哈里也被当作宠物使用。,Henry常见音译为亨利,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['heðə]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Henry最近较流行,很多外国人也叫Henry,在女生中,Henry这个名字不多见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,Henry在最近100年内,男性共有700447人、女性共有4535人,男生用Henry比女生更多一些。