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lucia ['lu:sjə]
Lucey的异体,光明的意思,Lucius的女性名 葡萄牙形式的LUCIA。西班牙形式的LUCIA。Lucey的异体 女性形式的LUCIUS。圣卢西亚是锡拉库扎的4世纪烈士。她说她的眼睛咕咕了,因此她是盲人的守护神。她在中世纪被广泛尊敬,她的名字在整个基督教欧洲使用(在各种拼写)。它自12世纪以来一直在英格兰使用,通常在拼写Lucy或Luce。Lucia常见英文名音译是露西娅,卢西亚,露西亚。Lucia代表是厚道,老实,注重安全,是个女士用的英文名字。出自德语、俄语,Lucia是个简短的名字,叫Lucia的人的品格通常厚道、老实、聪明。,此英文名字翻译为露西娅,该名听起来很悦耳动听,也很与众不同,给女生起名是指很脱俗,表里一致、和蔼可亲。Lucia在国外,认为具有厚道、老实、聪明的品格,这个名字在国外较为常见。露西娅的意思是厚道,老实,注重安全。,The name Lucia is a girl's name of Spanish, Italian origin meaning "light". Lucia is derived from lux, the Latin word for light. It is considered to be the feminine form of Lucius as well as the Latinate spelling of Lucy. Due to its connection to light, Lucia was traditionally given to babies born as daylight was breaking. A variety of references include Santa Lucia, a fourth century martyr who was revered in the Middle Ages and the Caribbean island named for her, and the tragic opera Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti. Lucia has for several years ranked as the Number 1 name in Spain. It was chosen for their daughters by James Joyce, Mira Sorvino, Giovanni Ribisi, Mel Gibson, and Sasha Alexander and Eduardo Pointi, among others.,露西亚这个名字是一个来自西班牙、意大利的女士的名字,意为“光”。,Latin from Lux meaning "light" or "the light one" as in "the bringer of light". It also comes from a Sicilian saint whom as a child promised her life and chastity to god and didn't even tell her mother. So when she was to get married to a man that her mother found for her whom was a non-christian she refused and told her mother to go and give away the wedding money to the poor and the man got angry. He told the town that she was a christian and so they put her in jail and tortured her. They decided to punish her with putting her in a brothel but the ox-carage that was going take her there didn't move so they got angry and pored hot oil on her but it didn't burn her at all. Then they stuck out her eyes out, and so she is special saint for the blind, and then they stuck a sword in her throat but she just kept on praying until a priest gave her the last rights and then she died as a martyr. Its said that she wanted to go around in the jail and give out food to the others there and wanted to bring so much with her in her hands so she could not hold a candle to see and so she put them in her hair like a crown and thats why some people today celebrate her in this way for example in Scandinavia but in Italy they celebrate her in a totaly different way. There is some kind of Scandinavian medieval ritual that has been mixed with the christian Lucia with a figure that brings light in the mist of the dark winter but there is no good backround on this. Today in ex Sweden we have Lucia "trains" of people, everyone is dressed in "white gowns" and the front girl wears a crown of candles on her head and a red ribbon around her waist and everyone sings Lucia and Christmas songs both religous and regular christmas songs for people, like in a concert. The girls that goes behind her wear tinsle glitter in thier hear and holds a candle in thier hand, boys wear a pappercone with stars on it and at the end of the "train" sometimes we have old fashion Scandinavian santas (regular boys or girls with red/grey cloths and hats and maybe with fake beard- not big fat santa like ala cocacola adverts).,来自勒克斯的拉丁文,意为“光”或“光一”,如“光的使者”。它也来自西西里岛的一位圣徒,她小时候向上帝许诺过自己的生命和贞洁,甚至没有告诉母亲。所以,当她要和一个男生结婚时,她母亲为她找到了一个非基督徒,她拒绝了,并告诉她的母亲去把结婚的钱给穷人,那人就生气了。他告诉镇上的人,她是基督徒,所以他们把她关进监狱并折磨她。,Feminine form of Lucius, which is derived from the Latin lux (light). The name was borne by St. Lucia of Syracuse, a 4th-century martyr whose popularity during the Middle Ages led to widespread use of the name.,卢修斯的女人形式,源自拉丁语lux(光)。这个名字是由锡拉丘兹的圣卢西亚(St.Lucia)命名的,他是一位4世纪的殉道者,中世纪时他的受欢迎导致了这个名字的广泛使用。,Lucia常见音译为露西娅,卢西亚,露西亚,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Lucia稍微冷门,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Lucia非常多见,很多外国人也叫Lucia,Lucia在最近100年内,男性共有91人、女性共有45133人,女生用Lucia比男生更多一些。