Lucasta常见英文名音译是卢卡丝塔。Lucasta代表是这个名字可能有一个很好的含义,但它太高了,我不想用它,是个女孩子用的英文名字。来源于拉丁语、英语,Lucasta是个好记的名字,叫Lucasta的人的品格通常精力充沛、多才、聪明。,此英文名字翻译为卢卡丝塔,该名看起来很简洁,听起来也很大气,女孩子运用此英文名起名,可彰显出正直,美丽贤淑、信任的性格。Lucasta出自拉丁语、英语,这个名字在国外超级流行。这个名字可能有一个很好的含义,但它太高了,我不想用它。,The name Lucasta is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "pure light".
Lucasta was invented by seventeenth century poet Richard Lovelace for a collection of poems dedicated to a lover named Lucy, and is familiar through the Eugene O'Neill play and film Anna Lucasta. Lucasta is a distinctive, rarely used choice and a logical extension of the Luke/Luc/Luca names.,Lucasta这个名字来自拉丁语,意思是“纯净的光”。,From Latin, meaning "pure light". This name was first used by the poet Richard Lovelace for a collection of poems called 'Lucasta' (1649). The poems were dedicated to the woman he loved, Lucy Sacheverel, whom he called Lucasta.,来自拉丁语,意思是“纯光”。这个名字最早由诗人理查德·洛夫莱斯(Richard Lovelace)用在一本名为“卢卡斯塔”(Lucasta)的诗集中。这些诗是献给他所爱的女人,露西·萨切弗雷尔,他称她为卢卡斯塔。,English cognate of Lucia, which is derived from the Latin lux (light). Lucy is also used as a pet form of Lucinda.,Lucia的英语同源词,来源于拉丁语lux(light)。露西也被用作露辛达的宠物。,Lucasta常见音译为卢卡丝塔,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。