Shiva常见英文名音译是湿婆,西瓦。Shiva代表是湿婆这个名字是一个女孩的名字,意思是“迷人而雄辩”,是个男孩子用的英文名字,最早出现于波斯语、印地语,Shiva是个简短的名字,这个名字第一印象精力充沛、多才、聪明。,此英文名字翻译为湿婆,该名是由5个字母组成的,听来便于书写又柔和,以此来作为男孩子的英文名寓意着他是个有奉献精神,令人垂涎、爱冒险的人!Shiva出自波斯语、印地语,这个名字在国外小众少见。湿婆这个名字是一个女孩的名字,意思是“迷人而雄辩”。,The name Shiva is a girl's name meaning "charming and eloquent".
In India, Shiva is an unambiguously male name; but in the middle east, Shiva derives from the Persian words for charm and eloquence, and is usually used as a female name.,湿婆这个名字是一个女生的名字,意思是“迷人而雄辩”。,The name Shiva is a boy's name meaning "benign and auspicious".
Shiva is one of the principle deities of Hinduism. Shiva is the powerful god of both destruction and resurrection but is also associated as the patron god of yoga, meditation and arts. Shiva's wife is Parvati, the mother goddess of creation.,湿婆这个名字是一个男性的名字,意思是“善良和吉祥”。,Charming - nice speech (persian)- an ancient indian God's name (indian),迷人-优美的语言(波斯语)-古印度神的名字(印度语),Shiva常见音译为湿婆,西瓦,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为['ʃɪvə],美式发音音标为['ʃivə]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Shiva这个名字不多见,但很有特色,在女生中,Shiva这个名字不多见,用的外国人不是很多,Shiva在最近100年内,男性共有430人、女性共有255人,男生用Shiva作为英文名的较多。