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marisol [mahr-ee-sol] [mahr-ee-sol] [mahr-ee-sol]
Marisol常见英文名音译是马里索,拉马里索尔。Marisol代表是我名字的真正含义是海洋和太阳,女孩叫这个名字较多,历史来源于拉丁语、西班牙语,Marisol是个个性的英文名字,这个名字给人的印象积极、美丽。,Marisol中文音译为马里索,这个英文名不仅看起来最新,但拼写起来是很与众不同,这样给女士起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女士自信,如花似玉、娇媚,在各个方面有所成就。我们分析,名字是Marisol的人大家认为都比较积极、美丽,这个名字在国外较为常见!马里索包含我名字的真正含义是海洋和太阳的寓意。,The name Marisol is a girl's name of Spanish origin meaning "Mary of Solitude". Marisol is a favorite Spanish name for girls, and an excellent candidate to cross the culture line, a la Soledad and Paz. The striking French-born Venezuelan artist Marisol Escobar—known simply by her first name—is noted for her witty Pop Art figural sculptures. While the name comes from a title of the Virgin Mary—Our Lady of Solitude—it's also associated with the Spanish words for sea and sun, mar y sol. The meaning of Maria is uncertain, but theories include "drop of the sea" (from Hebrew roots mar "drop" and yam "sea"); "bitter" (from Hebrew marah "bitterness"); and "beloved" (from the Egyptian root mr).,玛丽索尔这个名字来自西班牙,意思是“孤独的玛丽”。,You could translate it literally from "mar" (sea), "i" (and), and "sol" (sun), to mean sea and sun, but this was not its original meaning.,你可以从字面上把它从“mar”(海)、“i”(和)和“sol”(太阳)翻译成海和太阳的意思,但这不是它最初的意思。,A Spanish nickname for Maria Soledad, a name for the virgin Mary, which means lonely Mary.,玛丽亚·索莱达的西班牙昵称,圣母玛利亚的名字,意思是孤独的玛丽。,Popular Spanish compound name composed from Maria and Soledad (solitude).,由玛丽亚和索莱达组成的流行的西班牙复合名(孤独)。,Marisol常见音译为马里索,拉马里索尔,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[mahr-ee-sol]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Marisol稍微冷门,但非常特别,在女生中,Marisol非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,Marisol在最近100年内,男性共有315人、女性共有32925人,女生用Marisol作为英文名的较多。Marisol常见英文名音译是马里索,拉马里索尔。Marisol代表是我名字的真正含义是海洋和太阳,女孩叫这个名字较多,历史来源于拉丁语、西班牙语,Marisol是个个性的英文名字,这个名字给人的印象积极、美丽。,Marisol中文音译为马里索,这个英文名不仅看起来最新,但拼写起来是很与众不同,这样给女士起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女士自信,如花似玉、娇媚,在各个方面有所成就。我们分析,名字是Marisol的人大家认为都比较积极、美丽,这个名字在国外较为常见!马里索包含我名字的真正含义是海洋和太阳的寓意。,The name Marisol is a girl's name of Spanish origin meaning "Mary of Solitude". Marisol is a favorite Spanish name for girls, and an excellent candidate to cross the culture line, a la Soledad and Paz. The striking French-born Venezuelan artist Marisol Escobar—known simply by her first name—is noted for her witty Pop Art figural sculptures. While the name comes from a title of the Virgin Mary—Our Lady of Solitude—it's also associated with the Spanish words for sea and sun, mar y sol. The meaning of Maria is uncertain, but theories include "drop of the sea" (from Hebrew roots mar "drop" and yam "sea"); "bitter" (from Hebrew marah "bitterness"); and "beloved" (from the Egyptian root mr).,玛丽索尔这个名字来自西班牙,意思是“孤独的玛丽”。,You could translate it literally from "mar" (sea), "i" (and), and "sol" (sun), to mean sea and sun, but this was not its original meaning.,你可以从字面上把它从“mar”(海)、“i”(和)和“sol”(太阳)翻译成海和太阳的意思,但这不是它最初的意思。,A Spanish nickname for Maria Soledad, a name for the virgin Mary, which means lonely Mary.,玛丽亚·索莱达的西班牙昵称,圣母玛利亚的名字,意思是孤独的玛丽。,Popular Spanish compound name composed from Maria and Soledad (solitude).,由玛丽亚和索莱达组成的流行的西班牙复合名(孤独)。,Marisol常见音译为马里索,拉马里索尔,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[mahr-ee-sol]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Marisol稍微冷门,但非常特别,在女生中,Marisol非常多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,Marisol在最近100年内,男性共有315人、女性共有32925人,女生用Marisol作为英文名的较多。