耶和华是仁慈的,上帝仁慈的赠礼 爱尔兰形式的JOHN。耶和华是仁慈的 神经化形式的SEÁN。Sean常见英文名音译是肖恩。Sean代表是耶和华是仁慈的,是个男孩子用的英文名字,来源于爱尔兰语、宿务语,Sean是个好听的名字,这个名字第一印象正直、有创造力、聪明。,此英文名字翻译为肖恩,英文名整体来说“Sean”长度为4,强而有力、易读,给小男孩起名是指很率性,圆滑、细腻!Sean来源于爱尔兰语、宿务语,这个名字在国外较为常见!肖恩包含耶和华是仁慈的的寓意。,The name Sean is a girl's name meaning "God is gracious". Sean may be off its peak for boys, but there were still 1300 baby boys named Sean in the US in the most recent year counted, versus only five baby girls. In fact, there were fewer than 30 baby girls given the spellings Sean, Shaun, and Shawn combined. So while this name has been long used for girls, it remains in only occasional use as a feminine name and is not truly unisex in the way that names such as Rory and River are.,肖恩这个名字是一个女性的名字,意思是“上帝是仁慈的”。,Sean常见音译为肖恩,长度为4个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[ʃɔ:n]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Sean比较多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Sean稍微冷门,用的外国人不是很多,Sean在最近100年内,男性共有418915人、女性共有2945人,男生用Sean作为英文名的较多。