Roxane [rox-ane] 作为女孩的名字是波斯派生的,而名叫Roxane的意思是“黎明”。Roxane是Roxanne(波斯语)的版本。相关联:dawn。法语和英语形式的ROXANA。这是Cyrano在“Cyrano de Bergerac”(1897年)的爱情爱好的名字。Rowena常见英文名音译是罗克珊,罗威娜,罗文娜。Rowena代表是著名的,是个女士用的英文名字。历史出自波斯语、德语,Rowena是个个性的英文名字,这个名字给人的印象务实、谨慎、美人。,Rowena作为女生的名字,该名整体看起来很好看,也很简洁,作为女生名字,展现秀外慧中敦厚真情实意的品格特点!Rowena历史上最早出现于波斯语、德语,这个名字在国外比较少见!罗克珊包含著名的的寓意。,The name Rowena is a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning "white spear or famous friend".
A fabled storybook name via the heroine of Sir Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe (1819), which featured a heroine called Rowena of Hargottstanstede, and also a Harry Potter name, as Rowena Ravenclaw, founder of one of the Hogwarts houses.. Rowena has some old-fashioned charm, though most modern parents seem to prefer Rowen. Pronunciation, however, is NOT like Rowen with an a at the end, but with a long e and an emphasis on the middle syllable.. She was on the popularity list until 1963, several years in the Top 500.,罗维娜是一个威尔士女孩的名字,意思是“白矛或著名的朋友”。,According to the 12th-century chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth, this was the name of a daughter of the Saxon chief Hengist.,根据12世纪蒙茅斯的纪事家杰弗里的说法,这是撒克逊人首领亨吉斯特的女儿的名字。,Possibly a Latinized form of a Germanic name derived from the elements hrod "fame" and wynn "joy".,可能是日耳曼名字的拉丁化形式,来源于hrod“fame”和wynn“joy”。,Rowena常见音译为罗克珊,罗威娜,罗文娜,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为[rox-ane]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Rowena这个名字不多见,但非常特别,在女生中,Rowena非常多见,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,Rowena在最近100年内,男性共有0人、女性共有10284人,Rowena更倾向于作为女生英文名使用。