Margaret的昵称 Meggy的中世纪变体,MARGARET的缩影。初始辅音的变化的原因是未知的。Peggy常见英文名音译是佩吉,佩姬。Peggy代表是友善的,是个女孩子用的英文名字。出自波斯语、希伯来语,Peggy是个简单的名字,这个英文名字表示实际、有创造力、友善。,该名读音是['pegi],该名由2个音节组成,看起来个性特别,小女孩运用此英文名起名,可彰显出诚心诚意,娇媚、健康的性格。Peggy源自波斯语、希伯来语,这个名字在国外比较少见。佩吉的意思是友善的。,The name Peggy is a girl's name of English, Greek origin meaning "pearl". Just when we had written off Peggy as the eternal perky, pug-nosed prom-queen she projected from the 1920s into the fifties, along came Mad Men, with intriguing mid-century characters with names like Joan and Betty--and Peggy, causing a bit of a re-think. MM's proto-feminist Peggy Olson was followed by Amy Adams's strong Oscar-nominated Peggy Dodd character in The Master. Peggy has been used independently since the eighteenth century, later combined with other names such as Peggy Sue, made famous by the Buddy Holly song and the film Peggy Sue Got Married. Some notable namesakes who have gone by Peggy include jazz singer Peggy Lee (born Norma), art patron Guggenheim (born Marguerite), skater Fleming, and author/speechwriter Noonan (born Margaret). It's not likely that Peggy will ever regain the 31st position it held in 1937, but we can see it coming into somewhat wider use.,佩吉这个名字是一个女生的英文名字,源于希腊语,意思是“珍珠”。,Modeled after Meggie, Peggy was originally a pet form of Margaret (pearl). It is now occasionally bestowed as an independent given name.,佩吉模仿梅吉,最初是玛格丽特(珍珠)的宠物。它现在偶尔被作为一个独立的名字被授予。,Peggy常见音译为佩吉,佩姬,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['pegi]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Peggy比较少见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Peggy比较多见,很多外国人也叫Peggy,Peggy在最近100年内,男性共有799人、女性共有292643人,Peggy做女生英文名更好。