
laura['lɔ:rə] ['lɔ:rə]
月桂树,桂冠树,象征荣耀與胜利。月桂树 女性形式的晚拉丁语名字Laurus,这意味着“月桂树”。这个意思是有利的,因为在古罗马,月桂树的叶子被用来创造胜利者的花环。这个名字是由9世纪的西班牙烈士圣劳拉,谁是一个修女被扔进一桶熔融铅由摩尔人。它也是14世纪意大利诗人彼得拉克诗歌主题的名称。作为英文名字,劳拉从13世纪就开始使用。着名的承载者包括劳拉Secord(1775-1868),在1812年战Laura常见英文名音译是劳拉。Laura代表是有野心的,独立的,喜欢自由和旅游,一直在追寻目标,用作女孩英文名几率大,历史出自波兰语、德语,Laura是个个性的英文名字,Laura给人的印象是多才、独立。,Laura音标为['lɔ:rə],共有2个音节,听起来悦耳动听与众不同,作为女性名字,展现雷厉风行幽默风趣无辜的品格特点!Laura出自波兰语、德语,这个名字在国外较为常见!有野心的,独立的,喜欢自由和旅游,一直在追寻目标。,The name Laura is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "bay laurel". Laura is a hauntingly evocative perennial, never trendy, never dated, feminine without being fussy, with literary links stretching back to Dante. All this makes Laura a more solid choice than any of its more decorative counterparts and one of the most classic girl names starting with L. Laura has ranked on the popular names list since official US records have been kept. A frequent Top 20 name from 1963 to 1986, reaching Number 10 in 1969, Laura remained in the Top 100—minus a brief stretch from 1935 to 1944—until as recently as 2001. The meaning of the name, laurel, implies victory via the laurel wreath worn by Olympic athletes and Roman emperors. It was first made famous by the Laura to whom the Italian Renaissance poet Petrarch dedicated many of his love poems and was later used by Dickens in Bleak House. Well known Lauras include First Lady Bush, Little House writer Ingalls Wilder, designer Ashley, and actors Dern and Linney.,劳拉这个名字来自拉丁语,意思是“月桂树”。,The source of this name is laurus, a Latin word meaning "the bay -- or laurel -- plant." The name is used in German, Dutch, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Finnish, Polish and Czech.,这个名字的来源是laurus,一个拉丁词,意思是“月桂树”,这个名字在德语、荷兰语、英语、意大利语、法语、西班牙语、芬兰语、波兰语和捷克语中都有使用。,Derived from the Latin laurus (laurel, an evergreen shrub or tree whose leaves were woven into wreaths by the ancient Greeks to crown victors in various contests). Originally a Latin name, Laura came into use in England in the 19th century, and is now popularly bestowed throughout the English-speaking world.,源于拉丁月桂(月桂,一种常绿灌木或乔木,古希腊人将其叶子编成花环,在各种竞赛中为胜利者加冕)。劳拉最初是一个拉丁名,19世纪在英国开始使用,现在在整个英语世界都很流行。,Laura常见音译为劳拉,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['lɔ:rə]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Laura稍微冷门,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Laura最近较流行,上万人使用过这个英文名,Laura在最近100年内,男性共有2578人、女性共有796537人,女生用Laura作为英文名的较多。
