跛 葡萄牙女性形式的CLAUDIUS。跛 女性形式的CLAUDIUS。在新约中简单提到。作为一个基督教的名字,这是非常罕见的,直到16世纪。Claudia常见英文名音译是克罗蒂亚,克劳迪亚,克劳蒂亚。Claudia代表是短剑,适合女生英文名字,最早出现于德语、法语,Claudia是个好听的名字,Claudia给人的印象是多才、简单、自信。,Claudia作为女士的名字,该名听起来很顺口,也很大气,女士运用此英文名起名,可彰显出温柔善良,信任、正直的性格。Claudia历史上最早出现于德语、法语,这个名字在国外较为常见。克罗蒂亚历史寓意是短剑。,The name Claudia is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "lame; enclosure". A classic name with a hint of ancient Roman splendor that has never been truly in or truly out, Claudia still feels like a strong, modern choice — one of our "sweet spot" names. Claudia was a common girls’ name in ancient Rome, borne by the wives of both Nero and Pontius Pilate. The name is mentioned in the New Testament in one of St. Paul's letters to Timothy as one of the Christian women in Rome. As a result, it was taken up in the sixteenth century and has been in moderate use ever since. There was a popular mid-century series of novels by Rose Franken, beginning with Claudia: The Story of a Marriage. The name was also used by Agatha Christie and Penelope Lively, as well as being a main character in Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire. Model Claudia Schiffer gave it an infusion of glamour, as had earlier Italian actress Claudia Cardinale. Michelle Pfeiffer has a daughter named Claudia. While some parents may be put off by the common "lame" meaning, some etymologists theorize that the name may relate to the word for enclosure or clause, an alternate meaning that may appeal to a child with a form of this otherwise appealing name.,克劳迪娅这个名字来源于拉丁语,意思是“跛足的;封闭的”。,Derived from the Latin Claudius, an old Roman family name, which is from claudus (lame).,源于拉丁语克劳迪斯,古罗马的一个姓氏,来源于克劳迪斯(lame)。,Claudia常见音译为克罗蒂亚,克劳迪亚,克劳蒂亚,长度为7个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['klɔ:djə]。长名字可能看起来有逼格,不一定是好名字,国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Claudia这个名字不多见,但非常特别,在女生中,Claudia最近较流行,很多外国人也叫Claudia,Claudia在最近100年内,男性共有759人、女性共有126857人,女生用Claudia作为英文名的较多。