Celia常见英文名音译是西丽娅,希利亚,西莉亚。Celia代表是失明的,天空的,是个女士用的英文名字。历史上最早出现于拉丁语、立陶宛语,Celia是个霸气的名字,叫Celia的人的品格通常善于表达、友好、自信。,此英文名字翻译为西丽娅,该名由3个音节组成,看起来好记有名,女生提取英文名Celia取名,彰显出女生柔媚特点同时,还很好的寓意着孩子柔媚,柔媚。我们分析,名字是Celia的人大家认为都比较善于表达、友好、自信,这个名字在国外较为常见。西丽娅代表失明的,天空的。,The name Celia is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "heavenly". Celia, splendidly sleek and feminine, is a name that was scattered throughout Shakespeare and other Elizabethan literature, but still manages to feel totally modern. Shakespeare has been credited with introducing Celia in As You Like It, and it was to Celia that the poet Ben Jonson penned the immortal line, "Drink to me only with thine eyes." Other literary Celias have appeared in works ranging from George Eliot's Middlemarch to T. S. Eliot's The Cocktail Party to Lionel Shriver's We Need to Talk About Kevin. Celia Cruz was a superstar of Latin music. Celia is not a short form of Cecilia, which has a completely different meaning, and developed independently. But some contemporary parents are naming their babies Cecelia, especially with that spelling, and calling them Celia—which gives you two beautiful names in one.,西莉亚这个名字来自拉丁语,意思是“天堂”。,Derived from the Latin Caelia, a feminine form of the old Roman family name Caelius, which is believed to be a derivative of the Latin caelum (heaven). Celia is also used as a short form of Cecilia (blind, dim-sighted).,源于拉丁语Caelia,古罗马姓氏Caelius的女士形式,被认为是拉丁语Caelius(天堂)的派生词。西莉亚也被用作盲肠的一种简称(失明,弱视)。,Celia常见音译为西丽娅,希利亚,西莉亚,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Celia比较少见,但很有特色,在女生中,Celia非常多见,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,Celia在最近100年内,男性共有74人、女性共有54525人,Celia做女生英文名更好。