鸟,保持公正的意思Ava常见英文名音译是埃娃,阿瓦。Ava代表是飞翔,女生用这个名字较多,历史上最早出现于波斯语、德语,Ava是个简短的名字,Ava给人的印象是公正、魅力、性感。,Ava中文音译为埃娃,整体柔和动人,是一个洋气的英文名,作为女孩子英文名,第一印象是本人不屈不挠,率真、开朗乐观!大数据分析,很多叫Ava的人都非常公正、魅力、性感,这个名字在国外超级流行。埃娃代表飞翔。,The name Ava is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "life; bird; water, island". In medieval times, Ava was a diminutive of Germanic names beginning in Av-, in particular Aveline, from which the name Evelyn would eventually arise. It may derive from a Proto-Germanic root meaning "island" or "water". However, the medieval name eventually fell out of use entirely, only to resurface in contemporary times. This suggests that today’s Ava may be a modern variation of Eva. Alternatively, Ava could also derive from the Latin avis, meaning “bird.” Ava has separate Persian roots as a name meaning “voice” or “sound.” Ava was given a huge popularity boost—Ava's currently the Number 3 girl name and the top girls' name starting with A—when dozens of high-profile stars such as Reese Witherspoon and Hugh Jackman chose Ava for their daughters. Another reason for its appeal: It's one of the elite group of girl names that mean life. This Glamour Girl name via Hollywood beauty Ava Gardner is attractive but epidemically popular! Some parents who love Ava's simplicity and style have looked on to other choices that might take her place: Eva, Avery, Ada, Aveline and so on. The result, as with other popular names such as Hailey and Aiden that have spawned a raft of imitators, is that Ava is beginning to feel even more ubiquitous than it might otherwise based on its Top 5 standing. Ava seemed to be headed towards Number 1—it's no accident we titled our most recent book on baby name style Beyond Ava & Aiden—but, though it seems to have been somewhat side-swiped by the Olivia-Isabella-Sophia group, it will still certainly stay in the Top 10 for years to come. It's a lovely name on many levels, but if you want something that will stand out, keep looking. One of the most fascinating things about Ava is that it's a much more ancient name than its modern-feeling sleekness would suggest. St. Ava was the daughter of King Pepin and was cured of blindness and became a nun. While Ava Gardner represents the Golden Age of Hollywood image of the name, director Ava DuVernay updates it to new Hollywood, together showcasing the name's attractive mix of sexiness and strength.,艾娃这个名字来自拉丁语,意思是“生命;鸟;水,岛”。,I've read in multiple baby-naming books that Ava means "birdlike" or "flight" or "like a bird". It is believed to be Latin and possibly come from names such as "Avalon" or "Avis".,我在多本给婴儿命名的书中读到,Ava的意思是“像鸟一样”、“飞翔”或“像鸟一样”。它被认为是拉丁语,可能来自“阿瓦隆”或“阿维斯”等名字。,Of uncertain origin and meaning, Ava is thought to be a short form of the Germanic Aveza or Avia, which are also of uncertain meaning.,由于起源和意义不确定,Ava被认为是日耳曼语Aveza或Avia的缩写,它们的含义也不确定。,Ava常见音译为埃娃,阿瓦,长度为3个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为['vəə],美式发音音标为['vəə]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,Ava拼写挺简单,不建议作为职场正式英文名。国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Ava稍微冷门,但很有特色,在女生中,Ava非常多见,很多外国人也叫Ava,Ava在最近100年内,男性共有301人、女性共有280176人,Ava更倾向于作为女生英文名使用。