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adelaide ['ædəleid] ['ædəleɪd]
高贵的,仁慈的 法语形式的ADELAIDE。高贵的,仁慈的 从法语形式的日耳曼名字Adalheidis,它是由元素adal“高贵”和heid“种,排序,类型”组成。它是在10世纪由圣阿德莱德,圣罗马帝国奥托大帝的妻子。这个名字在英国在19世纪很普遍,由于德国出生的国王威廉四世的妻子的流行,为澳大利亚的阿德莱德市被命名于1836年。Adelaide常见英文名音译是爱德莱德,阿德莱德。Adelaide代表是高贵的,仁慈的,常用作女孩名。出自爱尔兰语、冰岛语,Adelaide是个常见的名字,这个名字给人的印象有创造力、多才、特别。,Adelaide作为女性的名字,该名由4个音节组成,看起来少见唯美,把这个单词当作女性的英文名字,会给人一种有女人味、善解人意的感觉。Adelaide来源于爱尔兰语、冰岛语,这个名字在国外较为常见!爱德莱德历史寓意是高贵的,仁慈的。,The name Adelaide is a girl's name of German origin meaning "noble, nobility". Adelaide is now heading straight uphill on the coattails of such newly popular sisters as Ava, Ada, and Audrey, and in the company of Adeline and Amelia. It was chosen by actress Katherine Heigl for the name of her second daughter. Adelaide gained fame as the noble German princess who married the British King William IV in 1830 and became known as "Good Queen Adelaide," inspiring the name of the Australian city and a craze for her name. Earlier, St. Adelaide was married to Otto the Great and became Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, described as "a marvel of beauty and goodness." When Aussie actress Rachel Griffiths (also mother of son Banjo) chose Adelaide for her daughter, she said she'd been inspired by the city, Miss Adelaide in Guys and Dolls, and the Disney character in The Aristocats. Adelaide can also be found in works by Thomas Hardy and Agatha Christie.,阿德莱德这个名字是德国女生的名字,意思是“高贵、高贵”。,The name became common in Britain in the 19th century due to the popularity of the German-born wife of King William IV, for whom the city of Adelaide in Australia was named in 1836.,这个名字在19世纪的英国变得很普遍,因为威廉四世国王在德国出生的妻子很受欢迎,1836年,澳大利亚的阿德莱德市就因她而得名。,It was borne in the 10th century by Saint Adelaide, the wife of the Holy Roman Emperor Otto the Great.,它是由圣阿德莱德,神圣罗马皇帝奥托的妻子在10世纪出生的。,From the French form of the Germanic name Adalheidis, which was composed of the elements adal "noble" and heid "kind, sort, type".,源于日耳曼语中的“Adalheidis”的法语形式,由adal“noble”和heid“kind,sort,type”组成。,Popularized by Queen Adelaide, (wife of England's King William IV) for whom the Australian city is named. She was a German princess, born Princess Adelheid of Saxe-Meiningen.,由阿德莱德女王(英国国王威廉四世的妻子)推广,澳大利亚城市因此而得名。她是一位德国公主,出生于萨克斯梅宁根的阿德尔海德公主。,The French form is Adélaïde, while the Spanish, Russian, and Hungarian form is Adelaida. The Polish form is Adelajda. The Icelandic form is Adalheidur (Aðalheiður). The Hungarian form is also Etela.,法语形式是阿德莱德,而西班牙语、俄语和匈牙利语形式是阿德莱达。波兰的形式是阿德拉吉达。冰岛语的形式是Adalheidur(Aðalheiður)。匈牙利语的形式也是埃特拉。,Adelaide is the English form of the German name "Adelheid". It means "nobility", and "kind".,阿德莱德是德语名称“阿德莱德”的英文形式。意思是“高贵”和“善良”。,From the French form of the Germanic name Adalheidis, which was composed of the elements adal "noble" and heid "kind, sort, type". It was borne in the 10th century by Saint Adelaide, the wife of the Holy Roman emperor Otto the Great. The name became common in Britain in the 19th century due to the popularity of the German-born wife of King William IV, for whom the city of Adelaide in Australia was named in 1836.,源于日耳曼语中的“Adalheidis”的法语形式,由adal“noble”和heid“kind,sort,type”组成。它是由圣阿德莱德,神圣罗马皇帝奥托的妻子在10世纪出生的。这个名字在19世纪的英国变得很普遍,因为威廉四世国王在德国出生的妻子很受欢迎,1836年,澳大利亚的阿德莱德市就因她而得名。,Variant of the Germanic Adelheid (nobility), a compound name composed of the elements adal (noble) and heit (kind, sort): hence, "nobility.",日耳曼语Adelheid(贵族)的变体,由adal(贵族)和heit(种类,种类)元素组成的复合名称:因此,“贵族”,Adelaide常见音译为爱德莱德,阿德莱德,长度为8个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为['ædəleɪd],美式发音音标为['ædəleɪd]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Adelaide比较少见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,在女生中,Adelaide非常多见,很多外国人也叫Adelaide,Adelaide在最近100年内,男性共有0人、女性共有28192人,女生用Adelaide比男生更多一些。