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ada ['eidə] ['eidə]
增光者,高贵,欢乐,Adelaide的昵称,意思是”尊贵“,”第一女儿“,Adelaide的简写 增光者,高贵,欢乐,Adelaide的昵称 ADELAIDE的缩写形式和以相同的声音开头的其他名称。这个名字由奥古斯塔·阿达·金(1815-1852),洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人(被称为Ada Lovelace),拜伦勋爵的女儿。她是查尔斯·巴贝奇的助手,他是早期机械计算机的发明者。Ada常见英文名音译是艾达。Ada代表是增光者,高贵,欢乐,女孩叫这个名字较多,最早来源于德语、法语,Ada是个简单的名字,Ada给人的印象是友善、简单、随和。,Ada作为女士的名字,这个英文名不仅看起来有诗意,但拼写起来是很动人,这样给女士起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女士开朗乐观,有权势、干净,在各个方面有所成就。Ada最早来源于德语、法语,这个名字在国外较为常见。艾达历史寓意是增光者,高贵,欢乐。,The name Ada is a girl's name of German origin meaning "noble, nobility". Ada is derived from the German name Adelaide, which came from the ancient name Adalheidis. The root, adal, is a Germanic word meaning “noble.” Ada can also be considered a variation of the biblical name Adah, pronounced AH-da, one of the first girls’ names mentioned in the Book of Genesis. Ada is one of the classic baby names for girls that is suddenly super stylish again. A favorite at the end of the nineteenth century, Ada is an alternative to the over-popular Ava. Ada is also part of the trend toward simple, old-fashioned names beginning with a vowel, like Ivy and Ella. A worthy namesake is Ada Lovelace, mathematician daughter of the poet Lord Byron, who worked with Charles Babbage on the forerunners to the calculator and the computer. In his poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Byron addresses her as "Ada! sole daughter of my house and heart." Ada has a number of fictional references as well, appearing in Dickens's Bleak House and Nabokov's 1969 novel Ada; additional characters with the name were portrayed by Holly Hunter in The Piano and Nicole Kidman in Cold Mountain. Ada returned to the Top 1000 in 2004, after being off since 1992; by contrast, Ada was a Top 100 name in the 1880s.,艾达这个名字来自德国,是一个女人的名字,意思是“高贵,高贵”。,* Ada means island in Turkish.Not a common name but preferable if you love names about nature.,*艾达的意思是土耳其语。不是一个普通的名字,但如果你喜欢关于自然的名字,那就更好了。,* The Ada Gospels are dedicated to Charlemagne's sister Ada.,*阿达福音书是献给查理曼大帝的妹妹艾达的。,* Ada, Countess of Lovelace was the daughter of Lord Byron. She is famous for having written a description of Charles Babbage's early computer, the analytical engine, and its potential uses -- thus, she is known as the first computer programmer. A computer language is named after her.,*艾达,洛夫蕾丝伯爵夫人是拜伦勋爵的女儿。她以写过查尔斯·巴贝奇早期的计算机、分析引擎及其潜在用途的描述而闻名,因此,她被称为第一位计算机程序员。一种计算机语言以她的名字命名。,* Ada (AH dah) is a Hebrew biblical name meaning "adornment". An English form of the name is Adah. Ada was the wife of Lamech and the mother of Jabal and Jubal. Another Ada was a wife of Esau and the daughter of Elon the Hittite. It can also be a short form of Adelaide, and is a West African name of obviously different etymology.,*Ada(AH dah)是希伯来语经文中的名字,意思是“装饰”。这个名字的英文形式是Adah。亚达是拉麦的妻子,雅巴和犹巴的母亲。另一个亚达是以扫的妻子,赫人以伦的女儿。它也可以是阿德莱德的缩写,是一个语源明显不同的西非名字。,Pet form of Adele (noble) and Adelaide (noble one), Ada is also a Germanic cognate of the biblical Adah (adornment) and an Ibo name meaning "first-born female.",作为阿黛尔(贵族)和阿德莱德(贵族之一)的宠物形式,阿达也是经文中阿达(装饰)的日耳曼同源物,也是伊博人的名字,意思是“第一次出生的女人”,Ada常见音译为艾达,长度为3个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['eidə]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,Ada拼写挺简单,不建议作为职场正式英文名。建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Ada稍微冷门,但很有特色,在女生中,Ada比较多见,超过10000人用过这个英文名字,Ada在最近100年内,男性共有277人、女性共有97251人,Ada做女生英文名更好。